「hi-b.a. aims to deliver the gospel to every high school student.」
Currently, the average age of the pastor in Japan is 70 years old, with the average age of church members being above 60. It is said that more than 80% of churches have less than 5 children in children’s church, and churches without any high-school age students are increasing. Additionally, with the trend of the actively serving pastors aging continues, young pastors and church members are decreasing. The topic of passing along the must be addressed with the utmost of importance. I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that we at hi-b.a. are “bringing forth the next generation of believers” considering the work with which we have been tasked.
「Work to serve church」
It has been 68 years since this work of high schooler evangelism has begun in Japan. We have received the trust of the local church of Japan, and have been able to grow through this. Although this effort started with missionaries who traveled to Japan following World War II, both our present financial and human resources are supported almost entirely by Japanese local churches. We hold to the theological beliefs and convictions traditionally held by the protestant church, post reformation. Additionally, we take it as our mission to serve the local church. Please send your youth to hi-b.a. in peace of mind. We would be very grateful if you would partner with us in financial and/or prayer support.
Basic Principles
Ⅰ.Trust in God
Ⅱ.Value People
Ⅲ.High School Student Evangelism as Mission
IV. Serve the Church
Core Values
1.Tell all high school students about Jesus Christ.
2.Encourage evangelism of high school students by high school students.
3.Communicate the Gospel in a way that is understandable to high school students.
4.Encourage carrying the Bible at all times.
5.Make the study of God’s word the main focus.
6.Encourage serving in the church.
7.Cultivate a heart for world evangelism.
8.Provide a place where Christ is the center.
9.Value cooperation with the local church
10.Value the connections provided.
Declaration of Faith
- The writings of both the New and Old Testament (all 66 books) are inspired by the Holy Spirit, and in their original forms are without error, being our one absolute standard for faith, life, and work.
- The one and eternal God exists as the trinity: Father, Son, and Spirit.
- The Lord Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary, through the Holy Spirit, being truly God and wholly man.
- God is the Creator, creating all things, and has created man in His own image.
- Man having fallen into sin has incurred both physical, and spiritual death upon themselves. Because of this, every person is born into sin, possessing a sinful nature.
- The Lord Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross a substitutionary death for the redemption of all mankind, and all who believe in him shall be cleansed by his blood spilt, and made righteous.
- The Lord Jesus Christ rose from the grave in bodily life, ascended into Heaven, and as our Great High Priest, currently intercedes for us.
- The Lord Jesus Christ could at any moment come again in visible glory; the second coming.。
- All those who accept the Lord Jesus Christ in are born again through the spirit as children of God, by the grace of God.
- Both the redeemed and the unredeemed shall be resurrected in a bodily manner. Those saved shall enter into unlimited blessings, and the lost shall enter into eternal punishment.
- He command to “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” is both a privilege, and a responsibility, given to each and every believer.
- The church is the gathering of regenerate believers, and with Christ as the head, under the authority of leaders established by God, exists to worship and serve God.